The Chambered Nautilus by Los Angeles-based author Laura Segal Stegman, a magical tale involving a mysterious carnival ride modeled after the intriguing spiral-shaped sea creature whose name it bears, was released by Young Dragons Press on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. With themes that include the power of friendship and the rewards of perseverance, it is the third in Stegman’s middle grade trilogy consisting also of Summer of L.U.C.K., her debut (2022), and Ready or Not (2023), both Five-Star Readers’ Favorite Award winners. All three are available wherever books are sold and will be released in Audiobook format by Tantor Media beginning later this year.
The Chambered Nautilus is part of the 2024 STEAM Team Group, an annual collection of STEAM-related (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) books that bring the spirit of inquiry, discovery, and creative problem-solving to young learners. The novel’s contemporary fantasy narrative delves into chambered nautiluses’ biology and their precarious status as a threatened species. These soft-bodied cephalopod class creatures, which live inside an intricately chambered shell, have cruised in deep ocean coral reefs for more than 480 million years.
All three books in Stegman’s trilogy are set at a midwestern summer camp, with Summer of L.U.C.K. introducing eleven-year-old Darby, ten-year-old Naz, and twelve-year-old Justin, three struggling kids who stumble on Leroy Usher, Carnival King (L.U.C.K.), a ghost who haunts a magical carnival that changes their world. Ready or Not, which takes place a year later, features more magical adventures with the three friends, but it spotlights thirteen-year-old Justin, who faces a tricky choice: stand up to bigotry or let fear hold him back.
From The Chambered Nautilus’ back cover:
Get ready for a whirlwind adventure like no other in The Chambered Nautilus, the thrilling conclusion to Laura Segal Stegman’s enchanting Summer of L.U.C.K. trilogy. Best friends Darby, Justin, and Naz are facing their biggest challenge yet. After a year apart, they find themselves drifting away from each other at summer camp. But when the ghostly Leroy Usher’s carnival falls under mysterious turmoil, the trio reunites to answer his desperate call for help. The camp’s new attraction, the Chambered Nautilus ride, hides a magical secret that could change everything. As pieces of the Ferris wheel vanish, Darby, Justin, and Naz must rely on their wits and teamwork to locate Leroy Usher before it’s too late. Their unique bond is put to the ultimate test as they encounter one crisis after another. With expulsion from camp and the carnival’s existence on the line, the friends must persevere and unravel the mysteries surrounding Leroy Usher’s plea. Join them in a heart-pounding journey filled with friendship, courage, and the power of never giving up. Will they save the carnival and their cherished memories? Find out in this tale of adventure, discovery, and the true meaning of loyalty.
The Chambered Nautilus was lauded by Rob Kent, Middle Grade Ninja podcast host, who called it,“a fun, fast-paced read with a whole lot of heart and whimsy.” According to Patrick Hueller, middle grade author of Stu Stories: The Adventures of Dirt Clod & His Sidekick Bird Bones,“The Chambered Nautilus, like the two earlier books in the Summer of L.U.C.K. series, has plenty of magic and mystery. Readers will be hooked by the supernatural surprises and charmed by the characters’ continuing friendships.”
Summer of L.U.C.K., Ready or Not, and The Chambered Nautilus
are available in hardcover (Summer of L.U.C.K. only),
paperback, and e-book.
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